Week 9: Reflecting on Irish Dialects and The beginning of my FYP

Everyday Conversation Irish Phrases
Here are some useful Irish phrases just to begin with that might come in handy for you!

This week was a really busy week for me, I’m sure it was the same for you! It was no surprise this week as I had another Irish test but this time based on Irish dialects.

  • A choice between two questions
  • Essay type
  • Worth – 5%
  • 60 minutes to complete

I chose a question where I had to write 500 words on an Irish dialect of my choice. I feel like it went ok, I will find out soon enough as the weeks are passing by.

If you are interested in finding out more about Irish dialects have a look at this YouTube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuTIB7zGJrg

Moving on to my FYP (final year project). On Friday I had a 500 word brief due, thankfully I got it done on time. The topic it will be based the Irish language in the 19th century and how it lost its official status in Ireland among people. I chose this topic because I have a lot of love and admiration for our language and our history that evolves around it.

 Final year project image

Challenges about this semester with Orls!

It’s hard enough getting back into routine being back at University but it has been a long wait for me to be back at the University of Limerick. After completing a ‘link-in’ I went on Erasmus the following semester. Now I am officially back at college.

Settling back in this semester is the hardest thing for me. Getting used to a different routine again is extremely difficult especially after being away in a foreign country. One thing I find challenging is the fact that while I was on Erasmus in Poland I only had one or two classes a day and they were on in the afternoon or evening. I was content with this as I am far from a morning person. I struggle to make my 9am lectures as bizarre as that sounds but it’s true!

Another slight challenge for me is adapting to the workload and the continuous work that has to be done. Now that I’m back at UL I have up to 4 classes a day this is hard for me to get used to but like anything it takes time. I’m sure in a few weeks it will be like second nature to me.

Image result for rihanna work work work meme
image: https://www.pinterest.ie/pin/284500901439390000/?lp=true