Routine Ready!

It’s now week 5 at University. I finally feel as though I am finally settling into a routine. I’m a 3rd year student studying 5 modules spread out across 20 hours a week from Monday to Thursday. I am off every Friday which is bliss.

I had my first class test of this semester this week. This wasn’t graded but we corrected it in class to get a rough idea of where we are at. It was an Irish grammar test which was pretty tough therefore I am glad I have a few weeks to study and improve my grammar skills! It really gave me an idea of my progress this semester, I still have a long way to go as we know there is always room to improve on everything! Taking this fake test will motivate me to do better for the real test. It is worth 10% so this is very important to get a productive result as it could be the difference between a grade. As a class we were lucky enough to have a go at a trial test because now we have an inkling as to what might come up on the real test. This does not happen in all my classes you only get one shot and you have to do your best. (or else you could be repeating at the end of summer which nobody wants, trust me!)

Sleep Routine

Getting into the correct sleeping pattern was also a challenge for me at the beginning of the semester so I decided to do some research and try and find some tips that might help me and you if you can relate! So I came across this image that I found really helpful. Although not all tips will work for everybody so it’s worth a shot to give different tips a try.

nice   sleep routine  Read More by linessorensen  #Routine, #Sleep

Challenges about this semester with Orls!

It’s hard enough getting back into routine being back at University but it has been a long wait for me to be back at the University of Limerick. After completing a ‘link-in’ I went on Erasmus the following semester. Now I am officially back at college.

Settling back in this semester is the hardest thing for me. Getting used to a different routine again is extremely difficult especially after being away in a foreign country. One thing I find challenging is the fact that while I was on Erasmus in Poland I only had one or two classes a day and they were on in the afternoon or evening. I was content with this as I am far from a morning person. I struggle to make my 9am lectures as bizarre as that sounds but it’s true!

Another slight challenge for me is adapting to the workload and the continuous work that has to be done. Now that I’m back at UL I have up to 4 classes a day this is hard for me to get used to but like anything it takes time. I’m sure in a few weeks it will be like second nature to me.

Image result for rihanna work work work meme