Week 12: Final Week

Hello again!

Welcome to my final blog post of this semester! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. It absolutely flew by, didn’t it?!

This week I will be finishing off my blog and website for this semester;There was a lot of work involved in both of these assignments. It was continuous work throughout the semester, which I found difficult to keep up with. Reflecting back on my Week 11 blog I will be mentioning similar topics for example designing my website the struggles that came along with it.

As you might know if you read my week 11 blog post I mentioned that I used Google Sites to create the website. At first I thought it was really difficult to use. (I still do)

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What I like about Google Sites is it is really easy to access if you want to make a website or just practice your website design skills all you need is a gmail account. If not don’t worry it only takes a matter of minutes to create one. This blog and website are both part of an assignment for the same module called ‘Writing for New Media’.

I thoroughly enjoyed this module this semester. It was extremely different to the rest of my modules that I studied. It was a lot more independent for example we were given instructions on what to do and we had to do it.  Everyone in this module had access to guidelines we had to follow to create both the blog and the website. I think I needed more time to fulfill the website as much as possible but I did my best in the time given. They must both ensure a certain amount of criteria and information to pass the module. The blog and website are both worth 45% each and the remaining 10% will be going for participation/attendance.

This semester in general was a tough one for me, especially after coming back from Erasmus but it didn’t take me long to get back into the swing of things. Now unfortunately this semester is coming to an end and this is my final year as a 3rd year student. Next week is a study week which will come in handy and my exams will commence in the first week in May.

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